Sunday, September 15, 2019


Arthritis is a medical condition that causes swelling and joint pain and it means any disorder that affects joints. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis and the most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis usually happens during wear or tear, or some immune system problems.

What is a joint?
A joint is a part of your body which makes the connection between two bones, for instance, the hip bone and the lower leg. An elbow is also a form of joint (hinge joint) which is very complex. These joints are constructed so you can move your bones, your hands and feet.


-Joint Swell
-Joint Pain
-Joint Redness
-Joint Warmth
-Joint Tenderness

-Injuries (OA ortheoarthritis)
-Abnormal metabolism (MA metabolism arthritis)
-Inheritance (OA...)
-Infections (LA Lyme arthritis)
-Immune systems dysfunctions (RA rheumatoid arthritis/ SLE systemic lupus erythematosus)

What if you don't treat it?
-Destruction/Damage in joint (RA rheumatoid arthritis)
-Ability of moving joint lost
-Bone thinning (Osteoporosis)
-Coronary Heart/Artery Disease due to inflammation (CHD/CAD) (RA)
-Anaemia (Lack of iron)
-Earlier death
Image result for joint fusion
Joint Fusion

-Joint repair - smoothen joint
-Joint replacement - artificial joint
-join fusion - fuse 2 bones into one (usually for smaller bones)

=Ways to kill pain=:
-Lose weight - less joint stress
-Exercises - flex joints
-Heating packs or ice pads

-Antirheumatic drugs
-Biological responce modifiers
-Anti-inflammatory drugs

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Cholecystitis happens when there is inflammation in the gallbladder, which could happen suddenly, or through a long period of time. Your gallbladder is an organ digestive fluid into your small intestines. When cholecystitis happens, it’s usually a result of gallstones building in your bile duct. Bile build up causes inflammation. Cholecystitis could also happen with bile duct problems, tumors, serious illnesses or infections. If cholecystitis is not treated, it has a potential of killing a person. 

What is a gallbladder?

The gallbladder is the organ which stores the bile. Bile is a fluid that could break down fats, and it is made in the liver. After the bile is made, it is stored in the gallbladder and the gallbladder helps squeeze the bile through the bile duct into the small intestines when fatty food is consumed.



GallstonesCholecystitis usually happens when there are gallstones in the gall bladder, and the gallstones flows into the bile duct, blocking the bile duct, and the bile will get stuck in the gallbladder, causing an inflammation. 

TumorA tumor could cause bile to not drain out from the gall bladder properly, causing a case of cholecystitis 

Bile Duct BlockageKinking and scarring in the bile duct could cause blockages which could cause cholecystitis as well. 

InfectionSome viral disease like HIV could trigger inflammation in the gallbladder and it causes cholecystitis too. 

Blood Vessels ProblemsSerious blood diseases could damage blood vessels, decreasing the blood flow to the gallbladder, causing cholecystitis. 

If you don't treat it, this will happen:

Gallbladder Infection:

Bile could build up inside the gallbladder because of the blockage, causing the bile to "expire" and infect your gallbladder, just like expired 

Gallbladder Tissue Dies:

Tissue in the gallbladder can die. Victims are waiting to get treatment or those with diabetes can have dead tissue in the gallbladder during the time and it could lead to a tear in the gallbladder, or it may cause your gallbladder to burst.

Gallbladder Torn:

A tear in your gallbladder can cause the gallbladder to swell, be infected or cause the tissue to die.


-Blood Tests
-CT (Computed Tomography)
-HIDA Scan (Cholescintigraphy)


Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy:
  1. Anaesthesia 
  2. Disinfection 
  3. Cut below belly button 
  4. Put a port(tube) in it and to insert Carbon dioxide to see properly 
  5. Take cap off the port and put a camera in 
  6. Put the other three ports in above hisp abdomen 
  7. Move liver with clamps so gallbladder will be exposed 
  8. Clamp off and block bile duct 
  9. Cut off the bile duct 
  10. Electrocautery away from liver 
  11. Pull out gallbladder with clamps and the port below belly button 
  12. Remove gas and other ports 
  13. Staple or stitch 
Open Cholecystectomy (much more painful, only for people that can't do laparoscopic)
  1. Anaesthesia 
  2. Disinfection 
  3. 6-inch-long cut – upper right corner of abdomen 
  4. Cut through fat and muscle to gallbladder 
  5. Clamp on the skin and muscle – hold in place 
  6. Move liver with clamps so gallbladder will be exposed 
  7. Clamp off and block bile duct 
  8. Cut off the bile duct 
  9. Electrocautery away from liver 
  10. Pull out gallbladder 
  11. Staple and stitch 
  12. Small drain 

Risks of Surgery
  1. excessive bleeding
  2. blood clots
  3. damage to blood vessels
  4. heart problems
  5. infection
  6. injury to the bile ducts or small intestine
  7. pancreatitis
  8. constipation
  9. diarrhoea
  10. jaundice
  11. fever


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