Insomnia is where a person is not able to sleep at night. Insomnia can happen to everyone, and is not a big issue, but long term insomnia can cause a loss of concentration during the day and weaken the immune system due to lack of sleep. Most people suffer from the minor form of acute insomnia, and it usually only occurs once or twice under stress or travelling, but some people suffer from more severe cases like chronic, comorbid, onset and maintenance insomnia. These kinds of insomnia can be caused by plenty of reasons and can be quite harmful.
5 types of insomnia:
- Acute
- Caused by stress, time zones or sudden events
- Chronic
- Long-term insomnia, usually if a person can't sleep more than 3 days in a week consecutively for 3 months.
- Comorbid
- A symptom of psychological problems such as depression. Can be paired with arrthritis and back pain making it very uncomfortable
- Onset
- Can't sleep at the beginning of the night
- Maintenance
- oftenly waking up or just can't fall asleep
- Back pain
- Tiredness
- Loss of concentration
- Not able to sleep
- Relaxation
- Light therapy
- Electronic restrictions
- Sleep time adjustments
- Meds